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信息来源:育才三中 来源:英语组 日期:2017-10-24 【字体: 视力保护色:

   Located close to the scenic Shenzhen harbor, Yucai No. 3 Middle School, a public junior high school, was established in September, 2003. The campus has an area of 22,345 m2 and a building area of 13,600 m2, which accommodates 36 classes of 1722 students and 146 faculties and staff in total, including 125 specialized teachers. The students enjoy a quiet environment enhanced by trees covering half of the campus. 
  Bold in putting things into practice and always the first, the school has been carrying out the philosophy of running the school of “People first, harmonious development”. Since its foundation, the school has set the goal of “Laying the foundation for the lifelong development and happiness of students”. The school aims to ensure students acquire ability and moral integrity, and the unity of knowledge and practice. We implement quality-oriented education, focusing on moral instruction and the all-round education to cultivate diligent, disciplined and thoughtful talents. 
  Yucai No. 3 Middle School was awarded Model Junior High School of Guangdong Province and a green school of Shenzhen .The school boasts a team of dedicated famous teachers with excellent professional ethics, reasonable structure, professional proficiency and innovative awareness. Since the foundation of the school in 2003, total 125 teachers have been awarded national, provincial or municipal honorable titles. 
  From the very beginning of the foundation of the school, we insist on running the school with humanity and strictness. We value the good discipline of students, and we help them develop their talents and guide them to be true, to be kind and to be beautiful in mind through various activities. In order to help them memorize the school rules easily, the faculty has put them into a three-word poem. The school also creates lots of opportunities for the students to develop in an all-around way , such as the Sports Meet, the Art Festival, the English Festival, the Math Festival, the Science Festival, the Week of Mental Health and Care,social practice, Excellent Youth Self-management Training Course and many other activities. These colorful activities provide a stage for all the students to excel themselves and help them to develop their all-round talents. Moreover, the school-based curriculum ensures the discovery of potentials of all kinds of students. 
  Our effort has been rewarded by the excellent achievements of our graduate students in the High School Entrance Examinations since 2006, which have also earned widespread acclaim from the society as well as the parents. Since the foundation of the school choir, the dance team, the Literature Club and the shooting team, students have got over 500 prizes for the school through their hard work and talents. 
  Yucai No. 3 Middle School has made remarkable achievements and achieved great-leap-forward development so far. Facing enormous opportunities and challenges, we will continue to advance with the times, innovate, and actively explore and implement educational and teaching reform. The school will dedicate itself to forming the distinct feature of school running and good school spirit, cultivating excellent talents for our country. 

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